Preventative Dentistry

Brushing Tips

What is the best technique for brushing? There are a number of effective brushing techniques. Patients are advised to ask during an appointment to determine which is the best one for them, since tooth position and gum condition vary. One effective, easy-to-remember technique involves using a circular or elliptical motion to brush a couple of [...]

Brushing Tips2024-09-04T16:09:53+00:00

Regular Check-Ups

Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is developing in your mouth, we like to catch it while it's small. It's not just [...]

Regular Check-Ups2023-12-23T19:00:01+00:00

The Basics of Flossing

One of the simplest preventive hygiene exercises you can do for yourself is something you've heard of before. It bears repeating: floss. Every 24 hours, bacteria contribute to a new batch of plaque. Brushing, no matter how well or how long, won’t get all the “bugs,” especially between teeth and where your teeth meet gum [...]

The Basics of Flossing2023-12-23T18:59:00+00:00

Tooth Watch: Early Detection

Why Early Detection is so Important Wouldn't you say that the best dental treatment is the one you never had to undergo in the first place—because it was caught and corrected in time? We sure would! We’re always on the lookout for a potential problem that can be avoided. That’s why during any checkup, we [...]

Tooth Watch: Early Detection2023-12-23T18:58:31+00:00

Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions

During the course of a day, you’re likely to have a look inside your mouth and briefly survey the landscape. We hope so, anyway. Aside from the stray loose filling or that crown that will need repair soon, fuss over the soft tissues in your mouth—the mucous membrane, the skin. Are there any red or [...]

Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions2023-12-23T18:58:24+00:00

How Old Is Your Smile?

The concept of dental age is surprising to people when they first ear it. Dental age is independent of chronological age. From a biological stand point, we are youthful until we reach maturity around thirty, we are adults from thirty to sixty years, and elder from sixty on. From a dental stand point, we are [...]

How Old Is Your Smile?2024-09-04T16:04:57+00:00

On Guard Against Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don’t smoke or have other lifestyle risk factors. Now that we've got your attention—there’s hope. Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions [...]

On Guard Against Oral Cancer2023-12-23T18:56:25+00:00

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?

There’s no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and impacted teeth. We couldn't see these conditions with the naked eye no matter how closely [...]

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?2023-12-23T18:56:09+00:00

Dental X-ray FAQs

Why do I need X-rays? X-rays, or radiographic examinations, provide us with an important tool that shows the condition of your teeth, its roots, jaw placement, and the overall composition of your facial bones. X-rays can help determine the presence or degree of periodontal disease, abscesses, and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumors. [...]

Dental X-ray FAQs2023-12-23T18:55:53+00:00