
In Case Of A Dental Emergency!

During any emergency it's important to remain calm as you arrange for treatment, and be sure to follow these instructions in the the meantime. Toothache Rinse mouth vigorously with cool water. Floss to remove food that might be trapped between teeth. DON’T use heat or place aspirin ON the aching tooth or gum. Call us [...]

In Case Of A Dental Emergency!2023-12-23T18:52:27+00:00

Broken Tooth Treatment in San Rafael, CA

Broken Tooth? It's A Dental Emergency Why every broken tooth needs treatment as soon as possible. When you suddenly break a tooth, it's always a dental emergency. Sometimes your first inclination is to avoid treatment due to cost, lack of insurance, fear of the dentist, or other reasons. However, you may be risking more severe [...]

Broken Tooth Treatment in San Rafael, CA2022-07-18T20:56:45+00:00

Smile with Esthetic Dentistry

Elements of a Beautiful Smile What can dentistry do for your self-esteem that all the pots of cream and eyeliner on Madison Avenue can't? While we agree with the ad men that esthetics motivate how people see us, value us, and respond to us, true natural beauty has to do with good health, not technique [...]

Smile with Esthetic Dentistry2017-05-09T00:00:55+00:00