
Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!

Critical for Diagnosis & Treatment Planning X-Rays help pinpoint problems and avoid further complications. People are often concerned that they're receiving too much radiation from X-Rays, so it's important to understand why the benefits of X-Rays (taken at reasonable intervals) far outweigh the concerns! The purpose of X-Rays is to pinpoint problems and avoid further [...]

Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!2020-11-29T21:31:48+00:00

A Healthy Dose of Sun

For Natural Vitamin D We all know that overexposure to the sun can cause harm. Sunburns are painful, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a contributing risk factor for skin cancer. But it's not all bad. The sun's energy is critical for life on Earth, and indeed, moderate exposure can play a positive role in our [...]

A Healthy Dose of Sun2020-06-27T19:51:54+00:00

X-Rays From Our Perspective

X-rays are critical to the practice of dentistry. And the benefits are profound. But dentists are sometimes guilty of dismissing patient concerns, as in, "Don't worry, you'll be fine." We do believe the judicious use of X-rays is in our patients' best interests. But patients deserve to know why. Radiography begins Wilhelm Roentgen, fiddling around [...]

X-Rays From Our Perspective2020-03-26T17:03:51+00:00