
“Is it a Cavity?”

Or something else... While most people think a toothache automatically means a cavity (or the need for a root canal), several other conditions can also cause temperature sensitivity, pain during chewing, and other symptoms typically associated with a toothache. Here are some of those causes: Gum Recession. When patients experience gum recession (which can be [...]

“Is it a Cavity?”2020-07-19T15:59:03+00:00

Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

What is Bruxism? Bruxism is the clenching or grinding of teeth. It's a fairly common habit with about 1 in 3 exhibiting the behavior, yet most don't even realize they're affected. That's partly because bruxism can occur while sleeping at night, but also because the habit develops subconsciously, usually due to stress or anxiety. Recognizing [...]

Are You Grinding Your Teeth?2020-04-21T19:08:08+00:00

Bad Habits for Teeth

Everyday Habits can Impact Oral Health Most of us have a bad habit or two that we'd like to change. Here are some common habits that are especially hard on teeth: Biting or Chewing Non-Foods Items Maybe you've done it for years with no harm, but each time you bite a non-food object is unnecessary [...]

Bad Habits for Teeth2020-04-21T19:01:17+00:00

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?

With more than half of American adults affected by gum disease, it's important to know if you're in one of the at-risk groups. Some factors are beyond our control, but others can be controlled, and simple things such as better nutrition and behavioral changes can go a long way toward improving oral health and preventing [...]

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?2020-02-08T19:09:44+00:00

Drug Use During Dental Treatment

Discuss All Drug and Medication Use to Avoid Harmful Reactions Let's face it, some people take anti-depressants, some are prescribed antibiotics. Some smoke marijuana, and fewer, thankfully, use cocaine, methamphetamine or other drugs. But here in the office, the message remains the same for all. Tell us what you're taking, and when. Why? Because the [...]

Drug Use During Dental Treatment2019-11-26T08:00:10+00:00

Subliminal Stuff: Bruxism

Are You Subconsciously Grinding? Sensitivity to heat and cold. Loosened teeth, fractures, and debilitating headaches. All this can occur while you sleep—from grinding your teeth. Dentistry calls it bruxism. Talk about shell shock. Dentists see evidence of life in the fast lane everyday. As many as 90 percent of us grind our teeth each night, [...]

Subliminal Stuff: Bruxism2018-12-19T08:00:51+00:00

Your Teeth Age Too!

Special Concerns for Older Adults Along with those gray hairs and inevitable smile lines, your mouth undergoes natural changes over the years, as well. Among them: Cutting edge of teeth are worn flat by chewing or grinding. Remember to keep regularly scheduled hygiene appointments to check for cavities. Consider dental sealants to prevent decay, or [...]

Your Teeth Age Too!2018-11-06T08:00:46+00:00

Mystery Pain & Phantom Toothache

There's only one good thing about a visibly damaged tooth: here, clearly, is where the pain's coming from and where our response will be focused. But complaints of "tooth pain" without a clear source or origin—now, that's something else entirely. Say you've been good with your hygiene, faithful in your checkups, and you wake up [...]

Mystery Pain & Phantom Toothache2018-09-11T00:00:56+00:00

Nighttime Grinding

And the Stress Factor Dentists and researchers aren't completely agreed about the cause of nightly tooth-grinding, or bruxism. But they are aligned on two points: at least partly, it's related to daily stress, and it's happening to more people. It may sound funny, but it's no joke: without food to absorb the impact, teeth can [...]

Nighttime Grinding2018-08-21T00:00:29+00:00

Bruxism, the Unknown Habit

It's such a common habit, yet most of the time we never know we're doing it. Not cracking your knuckles or biting fingernails, but intense clenching and grinding of your teeth—known in dental terminology as bruxism. The reason this phenomenon goes unnoticed so often is that "grinders" usually perform when they're sleeping. Most research agrees [...]

Bruxism, the Unknown Habit2018-04-03T08:00:45+00:00