
What to Know About Gum Disease

It afflicts as many as nine in 10 adults at some point in their lives, as well as teenagers and children as young as five or six years of age. Yet, many suffer from it without even suspecting anything is wrong. "It" is periodontal, or gum, disease—in the minds of most dentists, Public Enemy Number [...]

What to Know About Gum Disease2016-10-18T00:00:58+00:00

Can You Catch a Cavity?

When you have a cold, we all know to cover your mouth before you sneeze and not to drink out of the same glass. We do this because we know that a cold is contagious. Now we know that, chances are, so is tooth decay. Recent research suggests that the germs responsible for cavities may [...]

Can You Catch a Cavity?2016-09-13T00:00:30+00:00

Got Fluoride?

As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. [...]

Got Fluoride?2016-07-12T00:00:39+00:00

MMMMMM! It’s Mouth-Watering

You stand to speak to a crowd of thousands–and your mouth is desert-dry. That’s normal. But under less stressful circumstances, a dry mouth is not normal. In fact, it’s cause for concern. Saliva has a critical role in the health of your mouth and your body. It flushes out the plaque that causes tooth decay [...]

MMMMMM! It’s Mouth-Watering2016-03-22T00:00:14+00:00

Scaling and Root Planing

When Elbow Grease Counts Most periodontal patients in our practice become very familiar with the two primary therapies we rely on to treat gum disease: scaling and root planing. Sounds a little disagreeable, yes. But scaling and root planing are the beginning of the end of periodontal problems. The treatment is tried and true, with [...]

Scaling and Root Planing2015-08-04T00:00:59+00:00

Alcohol and Your Teeth

Dentally speaking, is drinking alcohol a good thing or a bad thing for your teeth and gums? As with everything alcohol related, there are positives and negatives. On one hand, a mixer-free shot of vodka is probably less hazardous than caramel candies, which coat the teeth with a sticky goo that practically begs for cavities. [...]

Alcohol and Your Teeth2015-05-19T00:00:24+00:00

Mouthwash FAQs

Whether it's to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, the sticky material that contains germs and can lead to oral diseases, mouthwash serves a variety of purposes. Or so we think. Though they may leave your mouth with a clean, fresh taste, some washes can be harmful, concealing bad breath [...]

Mouthwash FAQs2015-05-12T00:00:25+00:00

Facts on Flossing

Flosses and picks Plaque is a sticky layer of material containing germs that accumulates on teeth, including places where toothbrushes can't reach. This can lead to gum disease. The best way to get rid of plaque is to brush and floss your teeth carefully every day. The toothbrush cleans the tops and sides of your [...]

Facts on Flossing2015-05-05T00:00:58+00:00

Pregnancy and Oral Health

How does pregnancy affect my oral health? It's a myth that calcium is lost from the mother's teeth, but you may experience some changes in your oral health during pregnancy. The primary change is a surge in hormones--particularly an increase in estrogen and progesterone-- which is linked to an increase in the amount of plaque [...]

Pregnancy and Oral Health2014-11-11T00:00:15+00:00