tooth decay

To Prevent Cavities…

Don't filter out fluoride! In the years since fluoride first was added to city water supplies, dentists have seen tooth decay in kids cut in half. Fluoride really works! If you've got youngsters at home, make sure they get all the decay-fighting fluoride they need. There's nothing wrong with home water filtration systems or bottled [...]

To Prevent Cavities…2017-10-17T00:00:43+00:00

Prevention is Your Best Protection

If you're like the rest of us, now that belt-tightening is the "new normal," you may already be eating more meals at home, dropping subscriptions, vacationing closer to home. You may also be tempted to cut back on your dental care. But think it over. If a problem has surfaced with your oral health, nipping [...]

Prevention is Your Best Protection2017-03-28T00:00:08+00:00

Can You Catch a Cavity?

When you have a cold, we all know to cover your mouth before you sneeze and not to drink out of the same glass. We do this because we know that a cold is contagious. Now we know that, chances are, so is tooth decay. Recent research suggests that the germs responsible for cavities may [...]

Can You Catch a Cavity?2016-09-13T00:00:30+00:00

Got Fluoride?

As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. [...]

Got Fluoride?2016-07-12T00:00:39+00:00

Psssssssst—Secret Sugar

Lurks in Every Pantry Your sugar bowl sits on the table, and you lift its lid only to sweeten your morning coffee. You deserve a medal for exemplary nutritional behavior! Are you sure? Most folks eat more of it than they realize—150 pounds per year average. That’s 6 ounces—3/4 of a cup—every day. Two-thirds of [...]

Psssssssst—Secret Sugar2016-05-17T00:00:58+00:00

Facing Chemotherapy?

Tell Your Dentist Anyone facing cancer therapy already knows—chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer is a serious response to a serious condition. What they may not know is that a dental appointment scheduled at least two weeks before treatment begins can reduce the risk of complication and help preserve salivary glands. The reason is this: [...]

Facing Chemotherapy?2015-05-26T00:00:43+00:00