
Bulimia, the “Private Problem”

Not So Private Anymore If you recognize yourself or someone in your family in this piece, you share a problem with over 500,000 other people. Bulimia. Do you worry about how much you eat—all the time? Do you start a new diet almost every day? Do you perceive everyone else as thinner than you are? [...]

Bulimia, the “Private Problem”2023-12-23T18:55:10+00:00

Women’s Oral Health

Do women need to be more careful with their oral health? Women's oral health depends on their different stages of life. For many women, these changes are directly related to surges in sex hormone levels, such as in puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Women are also more likely to be diagnosed with TMJ, Myofascial [...]

Women’s Oral Health2023-05-09T19:42:52+00:00

Give Your Teeth a Fighting Chance

Against Acidity If you eat a lot of citrus fruits, drink carbonated soft drinks, suffer the eating disorder of bulimia, or experience the decline of saliva that often accompanies advancing age, you may be at risk of tooth erosion. What can cause your teeth to erode so badly you wind up having to see a [...]

Give Your Teeth a Fighting Chance2016-09-27T00:00:04+00:00