
Regular Check-Ups

Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is developing in your mouth, we like to catch it while it's small. It's not just [...]

Regular Check-Ups2023-12-23T19:00:01+00:00

A Bright, Healthy Smile

With Simple Cosmetic Dentistry in San Rafael, CA A bright smile is your most appealing and expressive feature. It projects a positive attitude and high self-esteem—which translates into success in school, business, and your personal life. The face is the most critical and integral aspect of your body image. Not surprisingly, the teeth are important [...]

A Bright, Healthy Smile2016-09-06T00:00:36+00:00