cracked tooth

Cracked Tooth Treatment

Do You Have A Cracked Tooth? Whether superficial, structural, or painful damage, seek treatment now! Anyone who's ever had a cracked tooth can tell you that it can be a distressing situation. However, tooth cracks (fractures) are easily fixable with a range of effective and modern options. Call us today at (415) 499-7700 to schedule [...]

Cracked Tooth Treatment2021-10-25T19:43:03+00:00

Athletic Mouthguards

Custom-fitted Mouthguards in San Rafael, CA Mouthguards can protect teeth during contact sports and other risky activities. Accidents happen... and dental injuries during athletic competition are an all-too-common occurrence. Once a tooth is cracked, broken—or worse, knocked out—there's no going back. It's for keeps. The National Institute of Dental Research reports a dramatic drop in [...]

Athletic Mouthguards2021-06-19T15:57:10+00:00

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?

A sudden, sharp pain when you bite—that's seemingly out of nowhere? Most likely, it's a cracked tooth. Even a hairline fracture in a cavity-free molar can make the most hardy of us sit up and take notice. When you're visited by this kind of bite-down pain, get to the dentist quick. Most cracks are superficial, [...]

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?2017-04-04T00:00:05+00:00

Learning More About Cracked Teeth

Every tooth fracture's an emergency. Unfortunately, some are too tiny to be spotted by even a trained eye. We call it Cracked Tooth Syndrome. A patient shows up with a "mouthful of pain." Something's wrong somewhere, but which tooth? It could even be a hairline crack in an apparently healthy, cavity-free molar. Most cracks tend [...]

Learning More About Cracked Teeth2016-09-20T00:00:02+00:00