
January 2021

Dentures so Natural Looking…


Only Your Dentist Knows For Sure! With so many advances in modern dentistry, fewer people need full dentures. But for those that do have missing teeth, dentures and partials are more natural-looking and discreet than ever. We can customize a complete restoration to fit your appearance (including considerations for skin, hair, and eye color) or [...]

Dentures so Natural Looking…2020-12-28T22:26:59+00:00

December 2020

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth


Do You Have Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity can range from a mild annoyance to sudden severe pain. Most often triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods, those with the condition may or may not have visible cavities or damage present. That's why it often takes a dentist to determine the cause. If you're suffering [...]

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth2020-11-29T21:34:06+00:00

Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!


Critical for Diagnosis & Treatment Planning X-Rays help pinpoint problems and avoid further complications. People are often concerned that they're receiving too much radiation from X-Rays, so it's important to understand why the benefits of X-Rays (taken at reasonable intervals) far outweigh the concerns! The purpose of X-Rays is to pinpoint problems and avoid further [...]

Dental X-Rays: Get the Real Picture!2020-11-29T21:31:48+00:00

Should You Use Mouthwash?


The Answer is... Maybe! Mouthwash, or mouth rinses, are primarily used to remove food debris after brushing and flossing. They provide a pleasant taste, freshen the breath, and (depending on the active ingredient) can also protect against plaque & bacteria, periodontal disease, and/or cavities. So should everyone use mouthwash? Not exactly. Some people who use [...]

Should You Use Mouthwash?2020-11-29T21:29:22+00:00

Does Gum Disease Hurt?


Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless One of the reasons gum disease is such a problem is that it progresses gradually, often with no pain during the initial stages. So how can you tell if you're affected? Have a look at some of the symptoms: Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing - No amount of [...]

Does Gum Disease Hurt?2020-11-29T21:26:45+00:00

November 2020

Suffering with Dental Fear?


You can overcome it, and we'll help you do it! Can't bring yourself to schedule that next appointment? You may be busy, you may be a born procrastinator, or you may suffer from unwarranted dental fear. If so, you're not alone... millions stay away each year for just that reason. Everyone in our practice understands [...]

Suffering with Dental Fear?2020-08-01T21:26:34+00:00

Developing Good Habits


To Protect Children's Teeth Food & Drink Eating and drinking habits are the biggest factors in preventing childhood cavities. But, just as important as what children eat, is when they eat it. To encourage positive eating habits and prevent cavities, limit eating time to 4 or 5 periods during the day (rather than continuous snacking). [...]

Developing Good Habits2020-08-01T21:22:49+00:00

TMJ Symptoms


Know the Warning Signs! TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the connecting joint between the jawbone and skull. When muscles, jawbone, and teeth all operate properly, biting and chewing is coordinated to be smooth and pain-free. Sometimes, however, things can get "out of whack." When teeth don't line up properly in the upper or [...]

TMJ Symptoms2020-08-01T21:21:00+00:00

Brighten an Aging Smile


With Professional Teeth Whitening! Since it's natural for teeth to darken as we age, teeth whitening can be one of the most effective ways to recapture that youthful appearance. Contact us today and discover how we can safely and effectively lighten the color of your teeth, either with convenient in-office treatment or at-home whitening trays! [...]

Brighten an Aging Smile2020-08-01T21:18:52+00:00

October 2020

Seal the Deal…


...With Dental Sealants! Prevent Cavities & Tooth Decay Molars and premolars have large chewing surfaces where crevices naturally form. Here, bacteria thrive, and cavities occur. Dental sealant is a clear composite resin that is "painted" on back teeth to act as a physical barrier to decay-causing bacteria. For children and adolescents (who may not always [...]

Seal the Deal…2020-08-01T21:16:38+00:00