broken tooth

In Case Of A Dental Emergency!

During any emergency it's important to remain calm as you arrange for treatment, and be sure to follow these instructions in the the meantime. Toothache Rinse mouth vigorously with cool water. Floss to remove food that might be trapped between teeth. DON’T use heat or place aspirin ON the aching tooth or gum. Call us [...]

In Case Of A Dental Emergency!2023-12-23T18:52:27+00:00

Have A Dental Emergency?

When It's an Emergency Choose a dentist you can trust! Having a dental emergency can mean different things to different people. Some might have a higher pain tolerance and avoid seeing the dentist for much longer. Others are worried about bills and lack of insurance coverage. But in either case, having a dental problem is [...]

Have A Dental Emergency?2023-04-16T16:44:31+00:00

Broken Tooth Treatment in San Rafael, CA

Broken Tooth? It's A Dental Emergency Why every broken tooth needs treatment as soon as possible. When you suddenly break a tooth, it's always a dental emergency. Sometimes your first inclination is to avoid treatment due to cost, lack of insurance, fear of the dentist, or other reasons. However, you may be risking more severe [...]

Broken Tooth Treatment in San Rafael, CA2022-07-18T20:56:45+00:00

Athletic Mouthguards

Custom-fitted Mouthguards in San Rafael, CA Mouthguards can protect teeth during contact sports and other risky activities. Accidents happen... and dental injuries during athletic competition are an all-too-common occurrence. Once a tooth is cracked, broken—or worse, knocked out—there's no going back. It's for keeps. The National Institute of Dental Research reports a dramatic drop in [...]

Athletic Mouthguards2021-06-19T15:57:10+00:00

Crowns & Bridges: How They Work

A missing tooth is more than just a hindrance to normal chewing, and more than a cosmetic bother. It's a threat to the entire architecture of your mouth. The mouth is dynamic. Where there is a missing tooth, neighboring teeth drift, gum disease may crop up, even the unprotected bone ridge is susceptible to damage. [...]

Crowns & Bridges: How They Work2020-07-19T16:02:50+00:00

How to Handle Dental Emergencies

During Any Emergency: Stay Calm You've taken every precaution. You never chew ice or hard candy. You don't use your teeth to open packaging or crack nuts. You always wear a mouthguard for risky recreation. And then it happens—a dental emergency. Common Dental Emergencies: Toothache - While a toothache may be a "common" problem, it's [...]

How to Handle Dental Emergencies2020-07-19T15:57:17+00:00

Crown and Bridge Treatment

Maintaining the integrity of your mouth Teeth are tough. Formed from the hardest substances in the body, they're harder even than bone. But they're not indestructible. Throughout life teeth are subject to injury—maybe it will be a blow from a hockey puck in your twenties. Or a luckless chomp on an unseen popcorn kernel in [...]

Crown and Bridge Treatment2018-10-02T00:00:38+00:00